

Infinity-Set-Furniture names a function, with lambda list (D USER RECIPIENT/S):

Set or change a “furniture” item.

Lisp SET-FURNITURE = JSON setFurniture

There is no longer a distinction between “furniture” items and other items in the game world --- this command's name is historical.

There are 3 distinct forms in which this command can be used.

To add an item to the area, send a packet with the following data:
The item template ID number You must have an item of this type in your inventory. or:
x, y, z
The position at which to place the item
The angle (in radians) of the facing of this item. Alternatively, for backward compatibility with 1.2, the facing direction can be specified as N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW (case-insensitive). See TOOTSVILLE INTERPRET-FACING.
To position or reposition a particular item by its UUID, send a packet like:
The item's UUID. This item must be in your inventory or owned by you.
x, y, z
The position at which to (re)position the item
The angle (in radians) of the facing of this item. Alternatively, for backward compatibility with 1.2, the facing direction can be specified as N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW (case-insensitive). See TOOTSVILLE INTERPRET-FACING
Remove a furniture item from the scene, putting it back into your inventory. The packet keys will look like:
This value must be true.
The UUID of the item to remove from the scene.

Note that you may be able to pick up an item by remove even if it does not belong to you, if it is disowned. WRITEME

Romance 1.2 instructions

To add a structural item to the room, put item: 123 without anything else. To place furniture on the floor, also add attributes x, y, and facing.

To change furniture, replace item: with slot: (to avoid ambiguities about “which chair”)

To remove an item from the room, send @{ slot: 123, remove: true @}


jso - @{ slot: #, x: #, y: #, facing: $ @} or @{ item: #, x: #, y: #, facing: $ @} or @{ slot: #, remove: true @}

Changes from 1.2 to 2.0

200 OK


400 Error in parameters

This error is thrown if the parameters are not in one of ; the accepted formats



Defined in file src/infinity/legacy-commands.lisp.